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Our Top Wholesome Foodies to Follow

Firm believers of beauty beginning within, health & wellness is one of the important lessons we share with our French students. Treating your body like a temple, eating well and eating fresh to avoid sickness and boost your immune system and the power of food to heal the body are some of the important messages we advocate.

With the health and wellness revolution taking social media by storm and the rise of wholesome food bloggers, it has never been easier to find inspiration for eating fresh and eating well. No longer does eating well have to mean eating boring.

If you’re searching for recipes or don’t know where to start we’ve saved you time and collated our top 9  instagram accounts for your viewing pleasure. These beautiful and sensory social media feeds may just inspire you to start your own food wellness journey…

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1. Loni Jane – Not new to the instagram scene, but one we love nonetheless, Gold Coast E-Book
author of Feel the Lean (with another e-book launching 1st August!), mother of two and creative
artist Loni Jane shares her abundant, plant based and organic recipes to her audience of over
400,000. Our favourite? The teriyaki tofu salad!

FEEL THE LEAN™ (@lonijane) • Instagram photos and videos

Loni Jane Main Image
2. Elsa’s Wholesome Life – Bursting with vibrant imagery that rivals the pages of top food
photography magazines, another Gold Coaster making a splash in the plant-based food instagram
scene is student dietitian, Ellie. This is the food you make to impress!

https---www.instagram.com-elsas_wholesomelife-_hl=en (20160727)

elsas wholesomelife 3
3. Life Iz – A destination for health, wellness and recipes, this carefully curated feed is founded by
model and actress Isabelle Cornish and her sister in law Amanda. With a mantra that embodies
embracing your imperfections “…because you are so worthy of a happy and healthy life”, we can’t
wait to see more from these girls!

4. I Quit Sugar – Acclaimed author of the award-winning books “I Quit Sugar”, Sarah Wilson
continues her sugar-free journey to her loyal following online and shares everyday tips to lead a
happier, healthier life.

5. Food Fix Up – Founder of the app and blog Food Fix Up, Stefanie Neal says that it was a
process of trial and error and listening to her body that lead her to a healthy lifestyle. Embracing
that we are all different and that diets don’t work for everyone, Stefanie states that Food Fix Up is
all about “…enjoying all your favourite food but in a new and healthy way. It’s real food, food you
can live from and food you’ll love.”

6. Peace Love and Vegetables – Byron Bay based company, Peace Love and Vegetables describe themselves as more than just a business, “it is a movement, a way of living, a way of taking the power to nourish and heal ourselves back into our own hands. It is a family, a living, thriving organism that is both interactive and innovative.” Their instagram features delicious recipes that focus on incorporating their healthy, holistic products including sauerkrauts, cashew cheese and kefir.

7. Veggie Moments – Nikki-Lee, founder of Veggie Moments (and also the equally delicious and drool-worthy, Naughty Moments), is whipping up some of the best REAL food. We spy some delicious (and clean) mexican dishes and gourmet pizzas (think healthy quinoa base!) that you’ll be wanting every night of the week!

8. Nourish Yourself – Another young entrepreneurial Gold Coast-er and app developer making her mark in the wellness sphere is Kimberly Nuemann. Weaved throughout her feed of delicious, wholesome recipes are quotes and words of wisdom to keep your gratitude levels high!


9. Hippie Lane– Vibrant, colourful and aesthetically beautiful – Taline Gabrielian’s feed of plant-based, gluten and dairy free recipes mixed with her enviable style make this account one of our absolute favourites. Born from the need to eat for her food intolerances, Taline says, “It’s all about conscious eating in our home. I feel that it’s my responsibility to nourish my children so that they have every opportunity to grow and develop to their full potential. I try to make it fun, and luckily my kids are all for it”.

hippie lane

Source: Top images via Elsa’s Wholesome Life

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