Our home is your home!

At The French, you’re one of the family

Our aim is to be the place for you to grow and change; the protective, loving environment where learning takes place uninhibited by prejudice and judgment; the place where true personal growth occurs.

Life at The French is so much more than just homework and classrooms! We create a positive and engaging campus culture for our Frenchies, one that helps to nurture their talents and build their confidence. You can also immerse yourself in life on campus in a wide variety of ways including Student Ambassador, Student Experience and Charity events where you can make friends, give back to those in need in the community and help fundraise for our charity partners. On top of all that, not only will you leave The French with the best education in Beauty Therapy, but also with lifelong best friends!

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Because there’s one thing stronger than magic: Sisterhood!

The French is home to a group of real, powerful women who celebrate, uplift and empower each other. We share the same spirit, carry the same heart, and nurture each others goals and aspirations. We want each other to realise our hopes and reams!


With beautiful light-filled classrooms, study spaces and the newest beauty technologies and products like MAC Cosmetics and Dermalogica Skin Care, we have ensured you will be immersed in a salon inspired environment from day one.

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The French Code of Conduct

We believe every person should have equal opportunity to learn in a safe, non-judgemental, nurturing and supportive environment. That’s why all new students at The French are bound to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct to ensure each student has an enriching learning and social experience.

As individuals, students enrolled with The French Beauty Academy can expect:

  • To be treated with courtesy and respect;
  • To be treated equitably irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, medical condition, cultural background, religion, marital status, age, or political conviction;
  • To be able to freely communicate and voice alternative points of view in rational debate; and
  • To participate in a learning environment free from sexual, racial, gender-based, or other forms of harassment.

Your first day at The French

F​​eeling anxious about making friends on your first day? You’re not alone! It’s actually one of the most common fears all soon-to-be #Frenchies have before they embark on their studies. ⁠Experiencing nerves before your first day is totally normal. We all worry about what others will think about us, will we fit in, will people be nice, will we be accepted… But at The French, you don’t have to be worried because you already have some friends – they’re the ones in the pink scarfs!⁠

Our wonderful Student Ambassadors are friendly, kind and can’t wait to meet you and show you the ropes. They are always on campus, willing to listen, ready to help if you are ever feeling lost or overwhelmed.⁠

To get you started on the right foot, we have designed a specialised orientation schedule which is dedicated to ensuring you are fully prepared and dressed for success, both personally and professionally. Upon arrival to campus, you’ll be introduced into your chorts (named after amazing pioneering women in history) where we have a number of activities planned to get you comfortable and you’ll find out everything you need to know before your first official class! We’re here to help and our friendly staff and educators are here to answer all your questions, big or small.

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The French Uniform

Dressed for success from the inside out

The French Beauty Academy uniform mirrors the polished style and presentation expected of therapists in a real-world luxury service environment. It also identifies you as an Academy student and a person with the ambition, commitment and the ability to work in an industry dedicated to caring for others.

The journey our students embark on is one of transformation on many different levels, both inside and out. So yes, you will learn about grooming and presentation, but you’ll also learn the value of walking tall and proud, looking others in the eye, and greeting people with a big warm smile and a confident handshake. But perhaps most importantly, you will discover your inner beauty – exploring your strengths, your passions, your uniqueness and your inestimable worth; bringing you to a place where you are truly comfortable in your own skin.

“In my year at The French I’ve achieved so much beyond my training – it’s been one big year of IMPROVING myself. I’ve accomplished some very personal goals like improving my relationships and finding who I want to be. Service Excellence has changed my life. I have built courage and confidence, especially with communicating to others. This journey together has been nothing but amazing.”

French Alumni, 2021
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Common questions a lot of new Frenchies have!

True beauty comes from within. At The French you will go through a holistic personal journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth and genuine concern for the welfare of others, guiding you to a truthful understanding of your innermost self and the joy you are capable of giving the world. We believe as a beauty therapist, you will experience the soul-deep satisfaction that you are making a profound difference in someone’s life – now THAT is beautiful!

Have questions?

We’re here to help. Get personalised advice from our friendly Student Advisors via phone, Live Chat or email.


Take a look at our FAQ for more answers

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Whether you’re almost ready to apply or simply have a question about our courses, tuition fees, or anything else, fill out your details in the form below and one of our friendly Student Advisors will be in touch.

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