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New Year, New You

5 ways to do beauty and wellness better in 2020!

January 2020 – It’s got a great ring to it, hasn’t it? A new year and a new decade with the chance to embrace new habits, a lifestyle shift, a fresh outlook and improved wellness.

If this new year sees you seeking to engage in better health, better wellbeing and better beauty, here are our top tips on five ways to do beauty and wellness better in 2020!

Mindfulness and meditation

Life’s busy, we get it, but it needn’t see you switched on 24/7. True beauty and wellness radiates from within, which means a healthy routine starts with making time to reflect, wind down and just be.

A great way to start this endeavour is through mindfulness and meditation. While the two are slightly different, both mindfulness and meditation encourage you to calm your mind by focusing your attention, and the benefits include less stress, less fatigue and reduced likelihood of depression.

Our suggestion? At the moment we’re loving this morning meditation for clarity, stability and presence, along with ancient practices like Tibetan Bon Meditation, and sound healing meditation.

Featuring chanting, breathing and chakra clearing exercises, Tibetan Bon Meditation has been around for millennia, while sound healing meditation utilise sounds, music, tones and frequencies to help quieten your mind and soothe your soul.

Yoga and pilates – We love Barre!

Hand in hand with meditation and mindfulness are low-impact exercise regimes like yoga, barre and pilates

First developed in India and practised for centuries, yoga is designed to bring the mind and body together as one, offering exercise, breathing and meditation.

Although similar, pilates is slightly more strenuous and focusses on strengthening and lengthening the muscles in a balanced fashion.

Meanwhile, barre draws on poses and movements of ballet. One we particularly love is a fusion of barre (based on ballet) and pilates. This takes pilates up a notch to also incorporate dance movements and poses which result in a long, lean, look, and improved strength.

All help tone the body and provide core strength while releasing endorphins, and we all know how good those are for positive mental health and a radiant glow.

Prioritise nutrition

You know what they say – you are what you eat and there’s no better time than the new year to embrace a healthier diet. Good nutrition and adequate hydration (we’re talking eight glasses of water a day here, folks) help you both mentally and physically.

They’re both also a major factor in the appearance of your skin, so there’s no time like the present to consider upping the ante and improving your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, oily fish, and nuts and seeds.

A skincare plan

In addition to improving your lifestyle, now’s a great time to kick off a skin detox, commencing with a visit to a medi-spa.

A skin detox involves dedicating regular time to removing impurities from your skin, and the best way to start the process is with a professional facial for a deep skin clean.

We’d suggest our introductory microdermabrasion offer, which comes complete with a full skin consultation.

Then continue the detox at home by making the time to cleanse twice a day, steam your skin, and apply a mud mask to remove further impurities from the top skin layer. The process is completed using serums to fully rehydrate the skin, and by paying extra attention to your water intake and diet.

Lose the negativity

This one’s easier said than done, but if people or habits are impacting your perspective on life and causing negativity, it’s time to let them go.

We all know people who drain our energy and leave us feeling depleted due to comments, actions or views and we all take part in activities that steal our energy or make us feel less than we should (we’re looking at you social media).

Although it may not be feasible to eliminate these from our lives entirely, now’s the time to set boundaries and take a realistic world view.

You are enough. You are not defined by the opinions of others, the posts of others, or their comments online and in person.

Remember, it’s your life and it’s there for the taking. Or in the words of Coco Chanel: “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”.

Meanwhile, you can learn more about learning to love the skin you’re in here.

Happy 2020! And if you’re considering a new career as part of the new year ahead, check out our upcoming courses.

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