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The Confidence Gap

Studies show girls and boys are born with the same levels of self-confidence, however with age, women's confidence rapidly declines. Read more about what's known as The Confidence Gap, and how we help students overcome self-doubt and realise their full potential.
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5 Ways Futures for Frenchies Sets You Up for Career Success

Discover 5 ways the program sets you up for career success for the ultimate career competitive edge!
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Tahlia Muniz

I decided to start my own business because I had a passion for helping people feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. I wanted to create a space where people could take a break from the hustle and bustle of life to relax and appreciate their bodies and skin.
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Chelsea Kitchen

The simplest yet most invaluable lesson was the importance of a professional uniform. The emphasis on appearance, presence, and how you present yourself was the first lesson learned at The French and it’s a principle I’ve instilled in my career every single day.
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Nikolett Best

Gratitude for The French Beauty Academy runs deep. The opportunities provided have been pivotal in shaping not just a beauty therapist but a resilient and skilled professional.
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Amanda Harvey

A pivotal experience in the skin cancer sector reignited Amanda's passion, driving her towards a career focused on helping others feel confident and empowered.
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Priyanka Mahajan

Priyanka moved from India and has lived in Australia for the past 7 years. During her journey she has thrived, mastering the art of beauty therapy, gaining employment in industry prior to graduating from The French.
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10 Galentine’s Day BFF Date Ideas

Whether you want to stay in or go out, here are the 10 ideas to celebrate magic of female friendships this Valentine's Day
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TED Talks To Become A Better You In 2024

From science-backed mechanisms for anxiety to tips to make better and smarter decisions, here's our round-up of inspiring TED Talks for an amazing 2024.
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