Jesse encountered passion for the intricacies of the skin at a young age – struggling with acne and uneducated on how to fix it. After using many harsh products and stripping his skin, Jesse made the decision to further his knowledge and acquire the skills necessary to treat not only acne, but a vast array of skin problems which causes people to feel uncomfortable in their skin.
Jesse began his Diploma of Beauty Therapy with The French Beauty Academy in 2019, where he instantly fell in love with treating clients, meeting new people and educating those on their skincare needs. Jesse’s profound passion caught the eye of many fellow educators and therapists, including that of The French Medi-Spa, where he was able to secure a job as a Dermal Therapist once graduating. Jesse’s favourite thing about his job is setting clients on their journey to achieving their skin care goals.
I have always had such a love for skin care products and keeping a strict routine on my skin. I had really bad acne in high school and never had education on what would be best to cure it. I used some pretty harsh products on my skin that stripped it back. But now since studying beauty and skin care i have been given so much knowledge around the correct ingredients and treatments to perform on clients with all different skin types. I also wanted to do something different and beauty has always been an interesting path that I never thought I would pursue, I am so glad I did because I have finally found my calling and i am in my happy place every day.
I would have to say to my friends, I was so unsure if I should sign up or not because being a boy can be quite overwhelming for some girls/ladies, so that really made me take a while to make a decision. I just took a chance and did it and the amount of friends I made from studying at the French with fellow classmates and educators is amazing. I always felt so welcomed and appreciated each day going to beauty school, it was always heaps of fun and the knowledge you learn is incredible.
My first day of orientation at the French was a little scary as my anxiety levels were extremely high, still concerned whether I would be accepted or taken seriously for being a boy. As soon as I arrived and met with my fellow cohort it was really welcoming and the bonding exercises were truly an experience. My educators Paige and Melissa really made my first day so amazing that I just could not wait to return the next day.
My favourite part about studying at the French was facials and Advanced Facials, i love the skin and using all kinds of skin care machinery and peels. The best part of all is the amount of treatments you get to have whilst training.
The French gave me the skills and knowledge to just be confident and be yourself. I never knew how confident I could be and the support and love from all the educators and management at the french cannot be found anywhere else. I often wish it could have gone for longer so i could never leave. Little did i know i was given an opportunity to stay, with being approached to work at The French beauty Medi-Spa i was jaw dropped that i could have been offered such a position. My smile would not leave and i knew right there that i had picked the right career path and to this day i love every day treating clients and being in my beauty room.
I had lots of favourite teachers and built strong relationships with so many of them. My favourite subject was Facials and Advanced Facials with Angela McDonald. As soon as I met Angela I just loved the way she taught and her knowledge on skin had me even more excited to learn from her. She taught me everything about skin and would always have faith in me to do so good. We would often sit around after class and talk about treatments and products because we just loved them so much. Her and the other educators are such approachable and lovely souls that you become their best friends.
“Whenever in doubt just effleurage” – sometimes you would be so nervous to do treatments because you want to do them so good, so if there was to come a time you are learning the massage technique just remember “whenever in doubt just effleurage”
The most important lesson I have taken is teamwork and self-confidence. Your fears will very quickly go when you get in and just do it, help your work mates out with changing over their rooms and cleaning. It keeps the environment happy and healthy and the clients love a happy workplace where you are always smiling 🙂
I was extremely fortunate and lucky enough to be approached from the French Medi Spa for a position when i graduated. That day was the best day EVER!! I thought it would have taken me ages to find a job because some employers may have been a bit unsure with me being a male but that very quickly left my mind when I was offered this position.
The elements of Skin care knowledge and customer service grabbed the eye of the Medi spa manager whilst i was doing my student salon days.
Being a Frenchy opens up so many amazing doors with your diploma, especially Service of excellence, many employers know how amazing the curriculum is in the French and if you study here you basically cut the line to the front. Best advice I could give is take The service excellence program seriously, it helps so much and makes your study a dream and puts so much light, energy and positivity in your eyes.
I love EVERYTHING about my new job as a Dermal therapist at The French Medi spa, the training and knowledge never stops, you keep learning everyday and better yet meet some really incredible people. My most memorable moment occurs quite often with clients being so grateful I have helped them achieve their skin goals and making them feel so comfortable in their own skin. I love making connections with my clients and walking this journey with them.
Every day is different, I love a challenge and it’s exciting when a client comes in with a condition or concerns that you have never heard or seen (this is where training comes in) I get to learn and treat at the same time, researching and recommending shows you as a therapist very committed and dedicated. Making notes to look further later on after the client is gone to prescribe and refer. It’s super important to always be organised and prepared for your entire day, this will make turning around times a breeze.
Why wouldn’t you want to?? Each day is as exciting as the day before. The team, managers and clients just make it REAL. There are so many amazing treatments out there in the beauty world that are proving exciting and incredible results. It’s great to see even men joining the trend of taking care of themselves.
DO IT!! As scared and worried you may be please don’t be. I was there and yes it crossed my mind that being a male I would never be able to. I proved myself and everyone else wrong and Graduated a dual diploma and awarded a Mastery in service excellence, Principles list award plus the bestest friends along the way. I say give it a go because you have nothing to lose. The world is your oyster so just do it.
My goals over the next years would be doing my laser course and slowly creating my own skin care brand. Training and knowledge is super important and I am in the best hands to achieve these goals. If you put your mind to it you can do it.
Scent: Sandalwood
Book: Harry Potter (with a face mask on!)
Blog: Jeffrey Star
Best Kept Secret: Vitamin A is the key to staying Ageless, you should start using it in your teens.
City: Paris
Beauty Muse: Lady Gaga
Drink: Moet
Song: Lady Gaga – Bad Romance
Quote: It’s not what we have in our lives but who we have in our lives that matter
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In the spirit of reconciliation, The French Beauty Academy acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country on which our Campuses stand today. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of the land, their Elders past, present and emerging, and to their connections to land, sea and community. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.
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