Not long now until you become a Frenchie…
F​​eeling anxious about making friends on your first day? You’re not alone! It’s actually one of the most common fears all soon-to-be #Frenchies have before they embark on their studies. ⁠Experiencing nerves before your first day is totally normal. We all worry about what others will think about us, will we fit in, will people be nice, will we be accepted… but the people you meet at Orientation will soon become your great friends – the very same people who cheering you on and celebrating your success at Graduation in just 12 months!

Orientation Information 1

Orientation Week!

Here’s what you can expect at Orientation Week…

We have a number of key activities and sessions planned to get you comfortable, meet your peers and educators and find out everything you need to know before your official first class.

Over the 3 days we will be covering:

  • – In Depth Campus & Area Tours
  • – Receive Your French Uniform
  • – Grooming and Presentation
  • – Learn How to Master The French Bun and Red Lip
  • – Receive your Linen Kit
  • – Academy Values and Standards
  • – Your Timetable of Classes
  • – Student ID Photos and Process
  • – Take Part in Your Dream Ceremony
  • – and Much More!


Your Orientation Schedule

The first day is a fun and interactive day where you will get to know your fellow classmates, go on an exclusive in depth tour of the campus, explore the local area with our Student Advisors PLUS you’ll get to practise the Frenchie bun and red lip!
8.30am – Students to arrive at The French Beauty Academy
10.30am – Morning Tea provided by The French
12.00pm – Lunch provided by The French
2.30pm – Day one is complete! Students who would like help finalising outstanding documents, help with Centrelink forms or additional uniform fittings are welcome to stay back.
Today is your passport to the stars! You will be introduced to STELLA (the north star of every Frenchie’s learning journey) and work through your Passport To The Stars. You’ll also discover the transformative Service Excellence program, participate in your Dream Ceremony and a number of other fun activities with your cohort. 
8.30am – Students to arrive at The French Beauty Academy
10.30am – BYO Morning Tea 
12.00pm – BYO Lunch
2.30pm – That’s a Wrap on Day Two!
Welcome to your first day of learning The Future of Beauty curriculum. 


Express Orientations - By Invitation Only

For students needing special consideration over this time please request an invitation to attend an Express Orientation with other late-starters. Because we get it, things happen! So come along and enjoy these exclusive welcomes with your lovely campus leaders on your first day of class! 

8.30am – Students to arrive at The French Beauty Academy

What to expect:

  • Go in an in-depth Campus Tour
  • Meet other late-starter Frenchies
  • Set up your Laptop and log into STELLA our online learning system
  • Be fit for your French uniform

11.00am – Class Starts (if class is on that day, otherwise you’re all finished up and can head home). 


Express Orientations

  • Monday 23rd January – all campuses
  • Wednesday 25th January – all campuses
  • Monday 30th January – all campuses
  • Wednesday 1st February – all campuses
For students starting after the official Orientation Week, we encourage you to join one of our Express Orientations (dates above) with other late-starters. Because we get it, things happen! So come along and enjoy these exclusive welcomes with your lovely campus leaders on your first day of class!

8.30am – Deputy Principal Welcome. You will be welcomed by the Campus’s Deputy Principal and introduced to your class cohort and Educator for Day One.

9.00am – Class Starts

12.00pm – Lunchtime with the Principal. Sit down to an exclusive lunch hour with your campus Principal during class break who will officially welcome you to The French. They will run you through everything you need to know about campus, facilities, support and all the final steps of getting started at The French. BYO lunch.

1.00pm – Return to class

4.00pm – Congratulations, you’ve completed your Express Orientation!

This is your first day on campus in your official French Uniform! Today is your passport to the stars! You will discover the transformative Service Excellence program, participate in your dream ceremony and a number of other fun activities with your cohort. 
8.30am – Students to arrive at The French Beauty Academy
10.30am – Morning Tea provided by The French
12.00pm – BYO Lunch
2.00pm – That’s a Wrap on Day Two!
Orientation Information 3

Presentation Is Crucial

Here’s some dress and uniform requirements for day 1…

– Please wear long black pants, black t-shirt and in-closed black shoes (we recommend ballerina flats)
– Please tie your hair up in a neat bun or ponytail (for hair shoulder length or longer)
– Natural makeup should be worn (Foundation/bb cream and mascara at minimum)
– Only 1 pair of stud earrings is to be worn. All other piercings including facial and tongue piercings need to be removed

Orientation Information 4

What To Bring

Here’s a checklist so you don’t forget the essentials..

– Water bottle
– Pen and notebook / student diary
– If you wish to bring your own morning tea and lunch, we have a student kitchen with fridges/microwave etc you are more than welcome to use. We are also located close to lots of cafes and eateries for you to buy lunch.

We Are Here To Help You Settle In

Meet Your Student Ambassadors

You won’t miss us, we’re the ones in the pink scarves…
If you are feeling anxious or worried about making friends at The French you don’t have to because you already have some!

These are some of our wonderful Student Ambassadors who can’t wait to meet you and show you the ropes. You will be introduced to these beauties during your first week and your class will be assigned a mentor you can chat to if you are ever feeling lost or overwhelmed.

Our Student Ambassadors represent and assist The French in a range of activities, events and acts of goodwill and community service to help contribute to the amazing French student experience that we are famous for. This program helps build a fun and nurturing life on campus, and engaging student experience all while contributing positively to the local community – something we are very passionate about here at The French.

From helping with Academy events and on campus activities, to organising charity drives, raising awareness for causes and representing The Academy in the wider community, our Student Ambassador Committee is made up of passionate and committed FRENCHIES – and you can be one too!

You’ll be learning more about our Student Ambassadors and how you can become one on your first week at The French.


Christie Cameron

One day Christie packed up her life and moved to the Gold Coast to study at The French, today, she’s the Gold Coast’s most sought after facialist.
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Brandi Beckett

Our December 2021 Valedictorian gets real about juggling kids, study, stress and changing careers to pursue her dream career in beauty “later in life.”
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Lauren Webster

Always interested in beauty and makeup, it wasn’t until Lauren interviewed some of her own Beauty Therapists she realised she could blend her love of beauty with her caring and empathetic heart and turn it into a career.
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If you have outstanding documentation for your VET Student Loans approval you will need to email these to admissions@thefrench.edu.au to finalise your enrolment..


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